We provide care and dressings for injuries and wounds post operatively. Some complex dressings may incur a non-Medicare refundable fee; your GP or practice Nurse will advise you of any associated costs.

Monday to Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 1:00pm
Sunday Closed
Shop 2, 6 Central Avenue, Urraween QLD
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Welcome to The Medical Centre Hervey Bay
We are conveniently located at the Stockland shopping centre in the Hervey Bay CBD just off Boat Harbour Drive.
The experienced and friendly Doctors, practice nurses and administrative staff understand the healthcare needs of our community. We are committed to providing quality health care to our patients.
We promote wellness and disease prevention and aim to treat all patients with due respect and courtesy.
About The Practice
The Medical Centre @ Hervey Bay is a purpose built facility – we are fully accredited with Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL).
The Medical Centre @ Hervey Bay has an appointment system; however, we do keep openings for emergencies. Appointments can be made to see your doctor by calling The Medical Centre on (07) 41246211. Urgent medical problems will be dealt with promptly. Appointments are made at 10 minute intervals. When making your appointment please advise staff if you need extra time.
After Hours Services
Should you require medical attention after hours please telephone 4124 6211 for further information. Always dial 000 in an emergency.
To make an appointment please call 4124 6211
Nobody likes to be kept waiting and we are all aware of this and try to adhere to appointment schedules. However, the unpredictable nature of medical practice means that Doctors sometimes run behind time. This is mostly due to a patient requiring urgent medical attention. We sincerely regret any inconvenience caused to patients when we fall behind with our appointment schedule.
If you no longer require your appointment, we would appreciate at least 2 hours’ notice prior to your appointment for cancellation.
Home Visits
If you are too sick to attend the surgery and you are a regular patient, a home visit may be arranged at the discretion of your treating Doctor. Please contact Reception staff to enquire. We also provide care for nursing home patients.
If you no longer require your appointment, we would appreciate at least 2 hours’ notice prior to your appointment for cancellation.
Phoning your Doctor
Doctors in this medical centre may be contacted by phone during opening hours. A message will be taken if the Doctor is with another patient and your call will be returned when the Doctor is available.
We are a mixed billing practice – fees charged are set by your treating Doctor. Please enquire at Reception for further details.
Repeat Prescriptions and Referrals
In order to monitor your health and fulfil our ethical and legal responsibilities, we require that you attend your doctor for a consultation for prescriptions and referrals. If your doctor is not available, another doctor in the practice can attend to your request. If your treating Doctor issues a script without a consultation a fee will be charged – this fee is not refundable by Medicare.
Disability Facilities
This medical centre is designed for wheelchair access. Should you have special needs please discuss them with your Doctor.
Parking and Access
We are located at Stockland shopping centre which has easy access to car parking, public transport and all amenities including a Pharmacy. Designated parking for disabled and parents with prams is close by. The medical centre is close to many specialist and allied health services and collocated with Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology for your convenience.
Reminder System
We actively participate in health promotion and disease prevention strategies. If you do not wish to receive reminders when certain tests or check-ups are due please let the nurses or receptionists know.
Information Brochures
We have a large selection of brochures and leaflets for your perusal. A brochure stand is located in both the front and back waiting areas. If you cannot find the relevant information, please ask our staff and they will find or order in what you require.
Patient Feedback
We aim to provide a professional, caring and quality medical service to our patients. If you have any concerns, suggestions or complaints please feel free to talk these over with your Doctor. You are also welcome to write to us:-
The Medical Centre @ Hervey Bay
PO Box 362
Hervey Bay QLD 4655
If you prefer to speak with someone outside the medical centre please contact the following:
Office of the Health Ombudsman
PO Box 13281, George Street, Brisbane QLD 4003
Phone: 133 OHO (133 646)
Web: http://www.hqcc.qld.gov.au
Your Privacy, Our Concern
In accord with the Privacy Act (1988) all information collected in this practice is treated as “sensitive information”. To protect your privacy, this practice operates strictly in accordance with the Act.
We use this information you provide to manage your personal health care. We generally disclose selected information to various other health services involved in supporting your health care management (e.g. pathology, x-ray).
If you have any questions about how we handle your personal health information or need to arrange access to your records, please ask your Doctor.
Our Services
General Practitioners work collaboratively with other health providers to play a key role in delivering high quality primary care to older people living at home and in residential aged care settings.
The aim of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check is to help ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people receive primary health care matched to their needs, by encouraging early detection, diagnosis and intervention for common and treatable conditions.
The health assessment is an annual service and covers the full age spectrum.
We are committed to providing culturally appropriate and respectful health care for our ATSI patients.
Patients with an eligible chronic medical condition may be able to get Medicare benefits to cover allied health services which help manage their condition.
Ask your regular GP if you are eligible; or alternatively your doctor may suggest a GP Management Plan. This plan of action agreed between you and your GP:
- Identifies your health care needs
- Sets out the services to be provided by your GP and
- Lists the actions that you need to take
If you need treatment from two or more health professionals, your doctor may also put a Team Care Arrangement (TCA) plan in place for you. This lets your doctor work with, and refer you to, at least two other health professionals who will provide treatment or services to you.
You may be eligible for Medicare benefits for specific allied health services (such as podiatry or physiotherapy) if your doctor prepares both types of plans for you.
Dr Peter Ironside provides a range of cosmetic services in addition to his expertise in skin cancer diagnosis and treatment.
- Call for an appointment to discuss your cosmetic requirement and associated fees
- All cosmetic services are privately billed.
A variety of medical conditions may impair a person’s driving ability. Your Doctor may be required to assess your fitness to drive based on the relevant medical standards. In Queensland, Driver’s Licence Medicals are applicable to the following groups:
- Drivers intending to drive Public Transportation, Dangerous Goods & for other Commercial purposes. (Private fees apply for commercial licence medical assessments)
- Driver’s Licence holders with medical conditions deemed capable of adversely impacting on the individuals driving ability.
- Driver Licence holder 75 years or older irrespective of whether or not you have a medical condition
Reception staff can provide further information about the forms, fees (if applicable) & the time required for your appointment.
The experienced male & female GPs can help you with advice, support and information regarding your family planning needs.
When you’re deciding which type of contraception is right for you, it’s important to think about how each option works to prevent pregnancy and how reliable it is. There are many types to choose from, each of which works in a different way. Talking through your options with a doctor or nurse can help you find the type that’s best for your body and lifestyle.
Ask your doctor or Practice Nurse for more information about:
- Implanon and IUCD insertion and removal
We aim to developing long-lasting, caring relationships with our patients and their families. Family Medicine is a more holistic approach to healthcare, taking into consideration the continuing and comprehensive health of an individual and their family across all ages, sexes, organ systems and every disease entity.
A comprehensive annual health check is recommended for all people aged over 75 to identify any health issues and to improve and/or optimise quality of life. Areas assessed may include but are not limited to lifestyle, mobility, medication, nutrition, exercise, safety in the home, care arrangements and support networks.
We offer comprehensive immunisation services which include the following:
- Childhood Immunisations as per the Australian National Immunisations Programme Schedule.
- Adult Immunisations including applicable free vaccines for at risk older Australians 65 years and over also Indigenous people 50 years and over.
- All childhood vaccines are Bulk Billed.
- Government funded vaccines include Influenza (Flu) and Pneumococcal vaccines to prevent complications of these diseases in these vulnerable groups.
Please inform reception of your immunisation requirements in order to make an appropriate appointment with our experienced & friendly nursing staff.
Mental ill health can have a negative impact on your physical health, just as a having a physical health problem can affect your mental health. GPs don’t just prescribe medicines for mental health conditions. They can also help you to access various therapies or programs and/or refer you for specialist help.
Why go to see a GP over a problem that you think will eventually pass?
- A minor problem could develop into something more serious if ignored.
- Recurrent problems (like feeling anxious) can impact on your quality of life and lead to other problems.
Seeing a GP regularly can help you to learn more about the support available to you, and helps your GP to better understand your needs.
The doctors recognise that both men and women face a special set of health needs and are skilled in meeting those requirements.
The practice of Women’s Health covers a comprehensive array of healthcare services specifically designed for women including preventative medicine, PAP screening, nutrition, contraception, breast screening, osteoporosis, menopause and infectious disease.
Likewise with Men’s Health which refers to a set of health issues specific to the human male anatomy such as sexual health, hormone and prostate disorders and pathology testing.
The practice performs minor procedure such as removing moles, skin cancer removal, basic excision and incision, emergency wound repair and Implanon insertion and removal.
Procedures generally require a longer appointment, kindly advise the receptionist when making an appointment
Conveniently located on site pathology services are provided by Sullivan Nicolaides.
The practitioners can provide baseline pre-employment medicals. Please call Reception to enquire if we can assist with your medical assessment requirement.
It is important to have regular skin checks – two out of three Australians are diagnosed with some type of skin cancer before they turn 70.
Have you had a skin check recently? Don’t leave it until it is too late. Talk to us about a quick, painless, general skin check today.
You will require an initial consultation to review your planned destinations, duration of stay, allergy history, vaccination history, current and past medical history. First consultation will usually be Bulk Billed – fees will normally apply for Travel Vaccines.
We offer:
- Up to date advice on all countries
- A complete range of vaccinations (immunisations). Common vaccinations readily available onsite – at a reasonable price.
- Anti-Malaria medication
- Medical Kits for your travel destination
- Post Travel Check ups
Some vaccines may require more than one dose depending on individual pre-vaccination status; so it is imperative to book for your travel immunisations well in advance of your trip.
We strongly support our Veteran community and strive to improve their quality of life with less need to be admitted to hospital.
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs’ Coordinated Veterans’ Care (CVC) Program is a planned and coordinated health care model for eligible Gold Card holders with one or more chronic conditions, complex care needs and who are at risk of unplanned hospitalisation.
Doctors consulting from this Location

Dr Peter Ironside
MBBS (Adelaide)
Dr Peter Ironside graduated in 1982 at the University of Adelaide. He undertook 4 years of post-graduate training in Anaesthetics, Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Accident and Emergency, Orthopaedics, Plastic Surgery, General Medicine and Surgery. Dr Ironside commenced general practice in 1986 and spent 7 years in remote South Australia as a solo GP before coming to Hervey Bay in 1993.
Dr Ironside has special interests in skin (and the various ailments/diseases affecting it) as well as cosmetic medicine.

Dr. Anoma Basnayake
Dr Anoma Basnayake is a fellow of Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and graduated from Crimea State Medical University in Ukraine in 1994. After moving to Australia she worked in Intensive Care Unit in Hervey Bay Hospital before taking up a career in general practice.
Whilst Dr Basnayake is interested in many aspects of general practice, she focuses on primary prevention, paediatrics and chronic disease management.

Dr Yvonne Ganley
Dr Yvonne Ganley qualified in the UK in 1987 and has worked in General Practice in Australia since 2001. She has been a GP in Hervey Bay since 2012 and previously was in rural General Practice in South Australia for 11 years.
Before settling in Australia she had worked in the UK, Canada, India and South Africa.

Dr Mahinath Bandara
Dr Bandara has had more than 14 years professional experience in both Australia and overseas. Particular areas of interest for Dr Bandara include General Practice, emergency presentations to General Practice, chronic disease management, minor surgical procedures, dermatology and skin cancer.

Dr Ravi Ranatunge
Dr Ravi Ranatunge is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and graduated in 1996 with Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery. He has been practicing in Australia over twelve years working in Emergency Departments in Hervey Bay and Maryborough hospitals before starting a career in General Practice. His background has been General Practice, Emergency Medicine and Anaesthetics.
Dr Ranatunge has a special interest in chronic disease management, men's health, skin cancer checks and minor surgeries.

Dr Janice Vieira
Dr Janice Vieira is working towards her Fellowship. She graduated from the University of Queensland in 2013 and worked for 3 years in Redcliffe Hospital in emergency, general medicine, surgery, palliative care and oncology. She then did a year at Mackay Base Hospital as a senior house officer in paediatrics, before joining the general practice training in Inverell , NSW as a registrar for a private practice and a Visiting Medical Officer at the Inverell hospital and 5 years with an Aboriginal Health Service before the cold weather got the better of her. As a new doctor, she pretty interested in everything, but enjoys chronic disease. Before training as a doctor, she was an Optometrist for 27 years in both Australia and England, mainly working with Ophthalmologists in both Wickham Terrace Brisbane and Harley Street London. She has two Optometry Qualifications, a Post Graduate Diploma from Curtin University in International health and a Post Graduate Diploma from Sydney university in Paediatrics. She has training in Implanon insertion and removal and has Black Dog training in mental health. On her days off she likes to cook, watch movies, swim and have purr therapy with her cats. She played volleyball for Brisbane and was previously a keen rock climber. She hates ants but otherwise loves nature.
Dr Rowan Barton (Registrar)

Dr Rohit Singh
DHCP, MBBS (USP), ECFMG (USA), LMCC (Canada), AMC DRANZCOG (Australia), DipObs (advanced trained)
Dr Rohit Singh has called Hervey Bay home for the last 10 years and has developed a devoted patient following. He is a Procedural Generalist and Medical Practitioner with a remarkable portfolio, having acquired diverse clinical acumen in North America and the Pacific. Australian exposure found him recruited by Queensland Health as a Senior Medical Practitioner, where he worked in various parts of the Queensland Health service, from Sunshine Coast to Townsville; Rockhampton in particular was quite memorable for Dr Singh, as he found himself given the impressive position of Medical Superintendent.
Dr Singh's special medical interests lie in the areas of Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology/Women's Health and Internal Medicine. He performs a variety of different procedures, including but not limited to: Skin Cancer Surgery, certain Cosmetic Surgeries, Musculoskeletal Day Surgeries such as lumps & bumps, IV infusions, Venesections, Intrauterine Device (IUD) insertions & removals, hormonal implant insertion & removal and Intra-articular (joint) Injections including trigger fingers and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. He provides Antenatal Care involving Hospital Shared Care. As a Procedural Practitioner, he does not provide chronic pain services.
Dr Sreshta Singh
Our Nurses




Allied Health
Contact Us
Please call the number below for appointments and enquiries.
Telephone (07) 4124 6211
Our location and mailing address:
The Medical Centre @ Hervey Bay
Shop 2, Stockland
6 Central Avenue
Urraween Q 4655
PO Box 362
Hervey Bay Q 4655